Recent Entries

  • Aditya treats Rani as Queen

    As we all know that Aditya Chopra who owns Yash Raj Films Banner has tied knot to the actress Rani Mukerji last year and are happy with their married life. The latest we heard that the Mardhani  actress was treated like a Queen by her Hubby. Rani Mukerji is relishing everywhere whether it ma...
  • Nara Rohit in “Maan Karate” Telugu remake

    Tollywood one of the handsome actor Nara Rohit is known for selection of unique and selective roles in the industry. It is heard that Nara Rohit is all set to be part of “Maan Karate” Telugu version. In this film the actor is all set to reprise Sivakarthikeyan's role in the untitled T...
  • Shraddha gifts “Crime Master Go Go” to her dad

    Actress shraddha Kapoor is one of the most talented actresses in the B-Town who is from Bollywood background as she is actor Shakti Kapoor’s daughter. Shakti Kapoor has received a special gift from his daughter Shraddha. She has presented a coffee mug captioned as “Release go go&rdquo...
  • Boyapati Srinu calls action for Allu Arjun

    Popular Filmmaker Boyapati Srinu is busy with the projects and he is known for his excellence in directing unique scripts. The latest we heard that Stylish star Allu Arjun s going to rope in Boyapati Srinu directorial film.  Currently, Allu Arjun is happy with the success of his latest relea...
  • Kabir signs a role in Tamil

    Bollywood actor Kabir is known for the performance in the Indian films and latest we heard that he is going to share screen space with Ajith Kumar in his 56th yet to be titled film directed by Siva. Source says, "Kabir has been signed on to play the antagonist. He will join the sets in June and s...
  • Big B explores Daughters are father’s weakness

    Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan is busy with the shoot of his forthcoming film "Piku". He says that there are sometimes sweet, and bitter relationships between father and daughter. Big B said, "'PIKU'... a slice of life... a journey... a Father and a Daughter... daughters are father's weaknes...
  • Himesh Reshammiya reduces weight for “Heeriye”

    Bollywood Musician cum Actor Himesh Reshammiya is super excited for his upcoming film “Heeriye” directed by Vishal Mishra a debutant. Himesh will be seen in slim and trim for the film. Mishra said, "Himesh has not only lost the weight but has gone in the skin of character in every way...
  • Sunny Leone seduces Ram in “Aao Na”

    Director Devang Dholakia is busy with the shoot of his upcoming film titled as "Kuch Kuch Locha Hai". The makers had released the third song "Aao na". In this track actress Sunny Leone will be seen as she is seducing Ram Kapoor. This film is an adaptation of the "Jaane do na" film. Shradha Pandit...
  • Varun celebrates 28th Birthday

    Actor Varun Dhawan is celebrating his Birthday on April 24th who turns 28 and here are a few celebs who wish varun. Have a look on these folks.  Karan Johar: Happy birthday @Varun_dvn !! Evolve, search and aspire.... Make the year count!!! All my love...always!! Riteish Deshmukh: Happy bir...
  • Big B showering praises on Mani Ratnam’s “O Kadhal Kanmani”

    Bollywood Mega Star Amitabh Bachchan is one of the talented artists in the B-Town who is known for his passion and dedication towards Indian films. The latest we heard that Big B pouring praises on filmmaker Mani Ratnam for his latest film in Tamil titled as “O Kadhal Kanmani”. Big B ...
  • Imran is not qualified to speak on Salman Khan

    As we reported earlier that Salman’s Hit and run case created a sensation in the B-Town and the latest we heard that Imran himself says that he is not qualified to speak on this incident. It is already known that the final judgement on the case will be announced by Sessions court on May 6th 20...
  • Neeraj Kadi says “DBB” wasn’t made to bankroll 300 Crore

    Neeraj Kadi is a multi-talented artist who can impress audience with Monk role and Baddie as well. Neeraj says, “Yes, it did. In fact, it went a little beyond that as well. It is a product that is complete in its own and it does not need recognition of the audience. It already made its mark t...
  • Sachin debuts Instagram

    Indian cricket god Sachin Tendulkar has celebrated his birthday on April 24th and has made debut into instagram to thank all his fans for their sweet wishes. He also shared his family photo where his son Arjun, Wife Anjali and Daughter Sarah are also seen in the picture. Tendulkar posted the fami...
  • B-Town Celebs wish Sachin Tendulkar

    Indian Cricket God Sachin Tendulkar is most wanted who doesn’t wish to retire from Cricket is celebrating his Birthday on April 24th who turns 42. The latest we heard that B-Town celebs wish microblogging site to wish Sachin. Riteish Deshmukh: Happy birthday @sachin_rt - you are and will al...
  • Madhuri says no to next Madhuri Dixit

    Glamorous actress Madhuri Dixit is one of the talented actresses in the B-Town. She says that people are not waiting for next Madhuri Dixit. She said these words in an event recently. She said, “I don't think people should be looking for next Madhuri Dixit.” She added, “They sh...
  • Kalyan Ram to present Balayya’s 100th film

    Actor cum producer Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is all set to produce Nandamuri Balakrishna’s 100th film titled as “Dictator” in Boyapati Srinu’s direction. Actor-producer Nandamuri Kalyan Ram will produce his uncle Nandamuri Balakrishna's 100th Telugu film, which is tentatively t...
  • OMG!!Attack on Bellamkonda Suresh

    Ad producer Bellamkonda Suresh doesn’t need any introduction to the TFI and according to latest news this ad producer was attacked by few near Filmnagar. The producer says that it was rumour and he was not beaten. Suresh says, “Actually it was my driver and not me. I was not involved....
  • Sukanya praises Mahesh Babu

    Senior actress Sukanya opulent praises Prince Mahesh Babu as a cool person though it is her comeback film. She is playing Mahesh’s mother role in this entertainer which is tentatively titled as “Srimanthudu”. Sukanya Shared through twitter, “Sharing a 'Good news' with the ...

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