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Current Education Situation

  • Leader
    September 1, 2015

    All the soon-to-be scholars are terrified about new upcoming rising of the tuition fees. Moreover, they will have to face with the cutting of the loans. So, many students are forced to find extra ways to maintain their lifeline like half-day jobs etc. One of the alternatives that students widely take are abroad countries with lower tuition fees. In addition, there is always an option to skip the university for a few years, earn money and then get back to studying. However, the scholar has to be really risky to take such step: higher education is an integral part of successful career in almost any country of the world.
    Another option that students often dismiss is online courses on any field of science. Various services provide open access to plenty of lessons, which is a great opportunity for those scholars who do not have access to the traditional higher education. Without professors’ guiding through the lessons, it can be complicated to get self-taught. Students at home use for the unclear tasks. Besides, it is very beneficial service for those part-time working scholars who gain money for the studying. They often cannot find time for those essay tasks that take so much time.

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