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Why do we Get Sick more often in Winter?

  • Leader
    January 29, 2020

    Difficult to escape a runny nose and sore throat in winter. A finding confirmed by Public Health France which recalls that " the drop in temperatures is often accompanied by an increase in infectious diseases such as colds , flu or even gastroenteritis ". The cold would therefore have something to do with it. But by what mechanisms? Scientists have answered the question.

    Containment increases the risk of cross-infection
    The cold weakens the immune system
    The cold makes viruses more resistant
    The cold weakens the respiratory system
    Why is the grave ill-when-it-done-cold

    Containment increases the risk of cross-infection
    In winter, we prefer to stay warm! Problem, the concentration of people in confined spaces and poorly ventilated (because of the cold) " increases the risk of cross infections ", reports the Institute for Public Health Surveillance. Viruses are more easily transmitted (by coughing, sneezing,frozen muscules etc.) due to the proximity of people in busy public places such as shops, restaurants, public transport, etc.

    The cold weakens the immune system
    During the winter, our immune system is weakened. The cold slows down cell activity and our body's response to outside attacks. This leaves time for viruses to settle. Added to this is the lack of light which can lead to vitamin D deficiencies (exposure to the sun allows the skin to make vitamin D). However, this vitamin strengthens the immune system. ( See our natural solutions to strengthen the immune system ).

    The cold makes viruses more resistant
    Viruses and bacteria are particularly resistant to cold. They are equipped with a protective shell which thickens when temperatures drop, and are thus protected.

    Light also plays a role in their lifespan. Viruses are destroyed by ultraviolet rays. The lack of light in autumn and winter therefore allows them to live longer.

    The cold weakens the respiratory system
    Upon entering the nose, the cold air is naturally warmed by the nasal mucosa. This warming humidifies the air and causes the nose to "sink". The nasal mucosa dries out and protects less well against viruses. These can penetrate more easily into the nose.

    Another effect of cold and dry air: aerosols rich in viruses (droplets emitted by coughing or sneezing of sick people) stay in suspension much longer. The risk of contamination therefore increases considerably.

    The bronchi are also put to the test. The back pain due to cold and dry air that accompanies it stagnates the fine particles of air pollution and therefore increases our exposure. We know that air pollution and indoor pollution (due to lack of ventilation) are bad for the bronchi. They are then irritated, which " increases the number of ICAM-1 proteins, the 'locks' by which rhinoviruses enter and infect cells ", explained Dr Luc De Saint-Martin Pernot in 2011 in the magazine Pour la science .

    To protect yourself from viruses, cover yourself well, ventilate your interiors every day and apply the preventive measures against winter ailments.

  • February 7, 2020
    I do not like winter, especially in the area where I live there is a drizzle and cold season. This is a very bad weather!

    hole io
  • March 21, 2020
    Such an informative thread, William. Winter isn't a very nice season for those who have bad allergies. The cold already raises the risks of flu and runny noses, but it's even worse for the ones with allergies. There was research on this published by professional essay writers in uk which was very insightful and contained a lot of safety precautions one could do to prevent catching a cold.
  • March 24, 2020
    This is a really brief explanation which I was looking for my research proposal writing USA as I am a medical student, and we have been given a task of making a document of all possible diseases from cold. I can use this content for my research. Also, I need more adequate content and surveys to use them as a reference in my document. Please, if anyone has any information regarding this topic, please help me.
  • March 27, 2020
    William words you are absolutely right that was really difficult to get away from a runny nose and sore throat in winter and the same illness caused many students to suffer in studies such as I too have been a victim of this in the past, when I was suffering flu and I had to submit my thesis report then I contacted to online thesis writers in Pakistan I really appreciate to them and thankful to them that they get me out from stress and submitted my final year project report(FYP) on the time. thank you much
  • April 1, 2020
    I don't think in that way people get sick more often in the winters if you see the ratio then there is the same % of sickness in every season yes we flu, cough and other things in winter because of cold weather or we didn't take care ourselves in a proper way. I am working as a custom paper writers at one of the writing agencies and have done research on this thing that people didn't take precautions in the winter and go out without taking care of.
  • April 28, 2020
    First of all, I would like to appreciate you for the information you gave here in your article! I think you might be bound to become ill throughout the winter months, however not as a result of the downpour. When there's winter, it is normal that people try to be in encased spaces longer and increase the possibility of infections. According to an associate ofBest Law Essays In general, infections will live longer in colder temperatures and lower moistness
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  • May 12, 2020
    In winter the most common diseases which spread out are sore throat and cold which might be some time serious.I n these situations proper care is necessary to ovoid infection spread to others.
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