Best Fertility Center in India for All Fertility Solutions

Children are the greatest blessing in life. Some would even say having children completed their lives. But this is not something everyone is blessed with. There are couples who struggle for years and years to get pregnant. For every couple, who do not want to have a kid, there is one who would do anything to have one. Infertility can happen due to many reasons including, lifestyle, alcohol, and smoking habits. IVF clinic in India is here to help couples who suffer from infertility issues. Infertility in Men stems from low sperm count, low sperm morbidity or abnormal sperms. While in women, aging, infections, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) obesity, issues with fallopian tubes, and more.

surrogacy clinic in Mumbai

IVF clinics provide fertility treatments such as IVF and IUI treatment in India,  which are extremely popular and gives the couple the chance they deserve. IUI is a non-surgical procedure in which sperms are artificially injected inside a woman’s womb. This procedure is quick, virtually painless, takes no recovery time and is affordable. Usually, couples try this method before any other treatment. On of the best fertility center in India offer these procedures and IVF specialists carry out the procedure personally. These fertility clinics also offer other fertility procedures such as vitrification and frozen embryo transfer, IUI, cryopreservation, egg freezing, semes cryopreservation, Testicular Sperm Extraction, DNA testing and more.

Recurring pregnancy loss refers to recurrent miscarriages. A miscarriage can be a painful experience for any woman, but if it’s recurring there might be other factors at work here. Uterine cavity, genetic factors, hormonal factors, Hematologic and Immunologic Factors

Are usually held responsible for recurrent miscarriages. Blood infections or issues in blood clotting, uterine abnormalities, hormonal imbalance, chromosomal abnormalities are top reasons for miscarriages in women. It is one of the most common complications of pregnancy. Recurring pregnancy loss testing and treatment in India includes hormonal supplements and blood thinners. In extreme cases, your doctor may advise you look for other options such as Donor egg IVF or Gestational Surrogacy. IVF clinics in India are working rigorously every day to give couples the opportunity to become parents.