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RuneScape was seeing just how awful it seemed

  • January 16, 2019
    What was the best aspect of being a kid? Was it the absence
    of responsibility or anticipation? The school days spent with friends?
    The summer holidays that seemed to
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    stretch on for months? We have all got our own motives to return and be
    nostalgic, but many people share a common one: RuneScape.

    you're in your twenties - or maybe slightly younger - you will likely
    have spent a obscene amount of time on the traditional MMORPG. It had
    been the after-school action of choice for a lot people when bad weather
    forced us indoors (though that was never the sole reason to perform ).
    But why was it so popular at the moment? How did this absolutely free
    internet RPG, developed in Cambridge, capture the attention and the
    hearts of so many? And where is it today?

    I'll be upfront with
    you: it's hard for me to write about RuneScape without some amount of
    prejudice - admittedly based largely upon my own rosy-tinted nostalgia
    for this game. In case it is not perfectly clear by now: I really like
    it. I loved it then and I love the memories I have of it now but I will
    do my very best to look back at it today in the most objective way I can
    - for a little while, at least.

    The very first version of the
    game - today titled RuneScape Classic and playable - came out in 2001
    and was played with a relative few in contrast to its upgraded version
    but it had been'RuneScape 2' - the updated version we all know and love -
    that took the MMORPG world by storm. 'RuneScape 2' (because it wasn't
    officially branded but became widely known as) premiered in March 2004
    following a replica of the original version's then-outdated engine. In
    the event the year 2004 seems familiar to MMORPG fans - then it ought
    to, as it had been the year in which the gargantuan World of Warcraft
    was first unshackled. RuneScape's engine may have had several fresh
    coats of paint, but in contrast to WoW's was similar to a Spitfire into
    an F-18. The running joke surrounding RuneScape was seeing just how
    awful it seemed - even for the time - and lots of the in-game models
    were laughable compared to World of Warcraft's full-3D graphics most trusted site to buy osrs gold.
    The point-and-click control system appeared slow and unresponsive
    compared to WoW's keyboard-controlled movement, and the battle was, to
    put it bluntly, often boiled down to more than just clicking on an enemy
    - as opposed to this smorgasbord of combat abilities and special moves
    that WoW's system utilised.

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