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After playing Classic WoW, and then looking

  • Leader
    October 20, 2021
    Word, its unfortunate that activision has a potential goldmine. However, they did not capitalize on it due to one of the reasons is that) j allen brack doesnt want to WOW TBC Gold be a classic company and b) their devs are too ashamed that retail is more expensive than vanilla, but they are still pushing their unreliable systems as it could mean that their jobs are unnecessary c) Bobby requires yachts and they dont have enough support for gms that can monitor a live world.

    I think most people want an old-fashioned plus. I think most people think activision isn't equipped with the expertise and capacity to implement the classic plus. Activision is not likely to invest millions of money in the creation of a classic plus. This is basically saying that all of vanilla's products were a waste. Management should not take the L and admit they don't have the skills to create an excellent mo. If they were smart they'd announce classic plus on the horizon and recruit kevin jordan.

    SoM is a bit baffling since everyone is having a variety of issues and want changes, but this is the sort of debate that caused the decline of WoW (noobs seeking dual-spec removal of grinding, speedier game play, and faster leveling). It is not possible to continue catering for players who want to play the game more and we can't be sure of activision players who do not know the meaning of mmos. They should hire better devs and remove the ion.

    I personally want vanilla unchanged and left as it is. It's definitely one of the most enjoyable games created It's a game that is so enjoyable, and any change to it will have a negative impact on the game.

    Classic Plus won't be available because retail is an issue. If titan had succeeded in its original plans, warcraft would have been over a decade old, and we'd have been playing the successor to wow, since that's what Overwatch was originally intended to become.

    But they won't do a classic plus without putting the retail to bed. Because creating original concepts for two separate MMO's is too confusing.

    There are a lot of people playing various games and they're having revelations concerning TBC and the rest of the world.

    After playing Classic WoW, and then looking at the work Blizzard did in creating honey-to-do tasks to keep people engaged in Burning Crusade, with rep farming and heroic Dungeon grinds cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold it was evident to me that the game is a hamsterwheel. Activision was greedy and demanded sub-goals.

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