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top 10 superfoods

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    September 12, 2016

    15. Almonds
    Surprise! Almonds are the most nutritionally dense nut, meaning they offer the highest concentration of nutrients per calorie per ounce. For just 191 calories, a one-ounce serving provides 3.4 grams of fiber (that's about 14 percent of the daily recommended value) and a healthy dose of potassium, calcium, vitamin E, magnesium, and iron. Plus, you can eat them as BUTTER!

    16. Ginger
    Slightly spicy but oh-so-enjoyable, ginger has been used for years as a delicious flavoring and an all-natural remedy for everything from an upset stomach to unwanted inflammation.

    17. Beets
    This all-star veggie contains tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help fight disease and strengthen vital organs. And their purple hue may be the secret to their healthy success— some studies suggest betalains, the purple pigments in these veggies, may help ward off cancer and other degenerative diseases .

    18. Beans
    High in protein and low in cholesterol, beans of any variety can add a healthy twist to any dish (even brownies!). They're also loaded with fiber, folate, and magnesium, and studies have shown that legumes (like beans) can actually help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of certain cancers (at least in rats…) .

    19. Pumpkin
    Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, these gourds aren't just for carving (or making into pie). The star nutrient here is beta-carotene, a provitamin that the body converts to vitamin A, which is known for its immune boosting powers and essential role in eye health .

    20. Apples
    Say it with us, people: "Fiber is good." And apples are a great low-calorie source. (A medium-sized apple weighs in at under 100 calories.) Plus, upping apple intake has been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and asthma .

    21. Cranberries
    It's time to work these fall favorites into dishes year-round. Whether it's in the shape of a can or fresh off the stove, cranberries have a handful of health benefits and disease-fighting powers . These bacteria-busting berries can help fight inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve oral health, help prevent ulcers and yeast infections, and may even inhibit the growth of some human cancer cells .

    22. Garlic
    Yes, it might leave breath less-than-desirable, but these cloves can do more than flavor— they've been used for centuries as food and medicine. These days, garlic is used to treat anything from high blood pressure and heart disease to certain types of cancer. Plus, studies suggest garlic extract can be used to treat yeast infections in women and prostate issues in men .

    23. Cauliflower
    While all the vitamins and minerals are a great bonus, the real star here is cauliflower's cancer-fighting compounds, glucosinolates. These phytochemicals are responsible for cauliflower's sometimes-bitter flavor, but they have also been shown to prevent damage to the lugs and stomach by carcinogens, potentially protecting agiainst those cancers . And thanks to interactions with estrogen, cauliflower may also help prevent hormone-driven cancers like breast, uterine, and cervical .


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    24. Leeks
    Leeks owe many of their anti-cancer superpowers to their organosulphur compounds. These nutrients have been credited with everything from kicking cancer to boosting immunity . Studies also suggest leeks could help protect the digestive system from stomach and gastric cancers .

    25. Lentils
    They're pretty cheap, easy to prepare, and high in protein, iron and other essential nutrients. Need we say more? The iron may help fight off anemia (a condition that’s especially common among vegetarians and vegans), and they're low on the glycemic index, too. That means they cause blood sugar to spike less quickly than other starches, so our energy lasts longer




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