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Take Your Listings to the Next Level with Amazon

  • May 18
    Seth Godin once said, ‘People don’t buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic.’

    Telling a compelling brand story is crucial to standing out in today’s highly competitive marketplace.

    But with limited space on Amazon listings, it can be challenging.

    That’s where Amazon’s A+ Content comes in.

    A+ Content allows sellers to tell captivating brand stories on product descriptions that can capture the attention of potential buyers.

    This article will explore everything you need to know about A+ Content, including its benefits, how to create it, and best practices to improve conversion rates. So let’s get started!

    Here is a quick peek into the article:

    1. What is Amazon A+ Content?

    2. Eligibility requirements for creating Amazon A+ Content

    3. What is Premium A+ Content?

    4. Eligibility Requirements for Premium Amazon A+ Content

    5. Differences between Amazon A+ and Amazon Premium A+ Content

    6. Benefits of Amazon A+ Content

    7. Step by Step guide to create Amazon A+ Content on listing

    8. How to optimize Amazon A+ content for maximum conversion

    9. How to Test Amazon A+ Content?

    10. Is Amazon A+ content indexed?

    11. Does Amazon A+ Content affect your SEO?

    12. Can you have a video in A+ Content?

    13. Can you edit A+ content once it is published?

    14. Final thoughts

    What is Amazon A+ Content?

    Amazon A+ Content, formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), is a premium feature in Seller Central that allows Amazon vendors or sellers to create visually engaging product listings. With A+ Content, sellers can add enhanced product descriptions, brand stories, high-quality lifestyle images, in-action shots, and more on the product listing. This would increase conversions of the listing.

    With a regular Amazon listing, sellers can only add text with 2,000 characters to the product description without images or graphics.

    But, A+ content allows sellers to showcase the product’s USP (Unique Selling Point), features, benefits, and brand story in an engaging way.

    Who Can Create Amazon A+ Content
    From this example, you can see that A+ Content provides a much better way of presenting your product to potential customers and leading them to conversion.

    Note: Currently, the ​​A+ Content is free for Amazon brand registered sellers.

    Eligibility requirements for creating Amazon A+ Content

    Sellers must first register their brand on Amazon to take advantage of A+ Content.

    Here are the following steps to enroll a brand in Amazon Brand Registry:

    • Sign into Amazon Brand Registry using existing Seller or Vendor Central credentials. If you do not have an Amazon account, create one for free.

    Learn more about it from the detailed Amazon Seller Central guide.

    • Provide the following information to enroll a brand:

      • Brand name with an active registered or pending trademark

      • Trademark registration number provided by Intellectual Property office

      • A list of product categories (e.g., apparel, sporting goods, electronics) in which your brand should be listed.

    • After submitting this information, Amazon will verify the trademark ownership. You will then receive a verification code, which you need to send back to Amazon to complete the enrollment process.

    Once Amazon verifies the trademark information, sellers get full access to the brand registry and can create A+ content for their product listings.

    What is Premium A+ (A++) Content?

    You can think of A++ content as the pro version of the A+ content. Initially, this feature was only available for brand-registered vendors or through Amazon Launchpad. But now it’s open to brand-registered sellers as well.

    In the premium A+ content, you get more interactive modules with larger images, enhanced comparison charts, and more than regular A+ content.

  • May 18
    This web site is my breathing in, very great layout and perfect content material . Amazon

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