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Seeking Advice: Considering Someone to Do My Online Course

  • Jan 29
    I hope you're doing well. I'm currently facing a bit of a challenge with my online course and was wondering if anyone has ever thought about having someone do my online course for me. I want to clarify that I'm not looking for an easy way out, but rather seeking advice on whether this is a viable option or if there are better strategies for managing the workload. If you've been in a similar situation or have alternative suggestions on handling online courses effectively, I would really appreciate your insights. Your experiences and recommendations mean a lot to me. Thanks in advance!
  • Mar 7
    Totally! Your questions are excellent and demonstrate a genuine desire to learn. It's inspiring to see someone actively seeking information and engaging in live discussion. It is a great opportunity to showcase your passion and knowledge. Asking questions can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life. Curiosity will be valuable on your journey. Use your curiosity and never stop exploring. You can learn so much by asking questions.

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