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OMG: Oh My God Review

    • 77 posts
    September 28, 2012 3:53 PM IST

    OMG Rating: 3/5

    From All the reviews on the web

    Showing 6 Reviews 

    Oh My God (OMG) Movie Review

    Ratings:3.5/5  Oh My God Review by Taran Adarsh Site:Bollywood Hungama

    OMG - OH MY GOD! carries a social message, a significant one, but the best part is, it does so without losing the wit and humor. Most importantly, it doesn't get preachy, nor does it deviate into the sermonizing mode. The film demonstrates Kanji as a nastik or a non-believer in God at the very outset, who, paradoxically, uses religion to run his business. The episodes in the first hour raise a chuckle, in fact you wear a smile ceaselessly. The turn of events in the latter part gives the film that extra sheen, thus raising the bar. The courtroom drama is transfixing and the underlying message that God dwells within us is profoundly heartwarming. On the whole, OMG - OH MY GOD! is a thought-provoking adaptation of a massively successful play. A movie tackling a sensitive and an untouched subject matter, it will find its share of advocates and adversaries, but the social message the movie conveys comes across loud and clear and that's one of the prime reasons why OMG - OH MY GOD! becomes a deserving watch.
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    Ratings:3.5/5 Review by Srijana Mitra Das Site:Times of India (TOI)
    OMG: Oh My God is Paresh Rawal's movie - and one of his best. Akshay Kumar plays a small and sacred role but OMG is largely powered by Rawal's performance as Kanjilal Mehta, a cynical Gujarati shopkeeper in Mumbai's Chor Bazaar, hardcore atheist who merrily dupes the believing into buying Krishna statues.On the downside, OMG's production values are not high-gloss and it sags and looks stagey at times. Importantly though, in a nation obsessed with taweezes and tonsures, fasts and fasaads, the symbolic over the sensible, OMG conveys a serious message this festive season - God is to be found in human beings. And, rather like Hindi films of an earlier age, it does so in a light and unusual way.

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    Ratings:2.5/5 Review by Saibal Chatterjee Site:NDTV

    When a film – or at least its voluble protagonist – questions the very existence of God, should its makers expect any divine help when it is stuck in a morass of mediocrity? Mercifully, OMG Oh My God!, for all its flaws, has the services of the redoubtable Paresh Rawal to fall back on. The thespian pulls off a rescue act that borders on the miraculous.But even he cannot fully salvage the film’s weaker moments – and there are many.OMG is frequently weighed down by verbose and preachy passages that, besides overstaying their welcome, are marred by unabashed overacting by some members of the supporting cast.But what the hell, OMG, even at its worst, does not ever deteriorate into WTF, thanks to the wondrous presence of Paresh Rawal. It's certainly not a waste of time.

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    Oh My God (OMG) Review by Other Critics

    Ratings:2.5/5 Review by Roshni Devi Site:Koimoi

    What’s Good: The concept; the performances; the witty comebacks and dialogues.What’s Bad: The movie seems to steer away from the main issue; the unsatisfactory explanations.Loo Break: Not really.Watch or Not?: Watch OMG Oh My God! for the interesting arguments and repartees.For once, there’s a movie that wants you to use your brains instead of just clapping and whistling away at the mindless action/*** scenes. Watch OMG Oh My God also because it has good performances and an interesting concept.

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    Ratings:3.5/5 Review by Martin D Souza Site:Glamsham

    Beware: Many are going to feel offended. But if you scratch the surface, you will see the truth behind this teaching.In a country plagued by religious beliefs, OH MY GOD! comes as a bold move. A move that is likely to be viewed fanatically by those immersed in religious rituals forgetting the simple truth of living. But for those with wisdom, this movie is like, "Oh My God. Really!"

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    Ratings:---- Tweet Review by Rohit Vats Site:IBNLive

    Holy texts and their interpretations form the core idea of OMG.The politics of OMG is debatable but the film is interesting.Normally we don't see films on such burning topics. #OMG is a brave attempt.OMG questions things we don't dare to question otherwise.Apart from one or two technical glitches, #OMG is a well crafted story so far.You can watch the film for its unique central idea. Paresh Rawal wouln't disappoint you either.The film's success will be determined by the audience's acceptance of its climax.