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My essay competition experience

  • November 26, 2018
    We had an essay contest at my school life and the prize was some kind of paid trip. I think it was a cruise. So the aim was not to write why you should win but rather what makes you attractive, what makes you unique, diverse from others. Surprisingly much number of students was not there. The reason may be they not a good writer, or they are not special. The students that came were unique and good writers. They could easily explain what made them so. Even if many students did not come a lot still did and there was one winner. It was a girl named Ann. Do you want to know what made her unique? Well, she was smart and very smart. She had a good individuality, she was kind to all. She was a wonderful singer. She sang and all liked it. She was also a good actress, acted in many school plays. And lastly, she was a good writer. She is the deserving one. It brought out her true talents and the judges saw those features in her. She won a full week of cruising on a ship. Refer best essay writing service for more details on essay contests.

    I know everyone in school cannot be like that but what I’m trying to get at is, make the contest about bringing the students true talent out. They will be having talents but may be too scared or shy to show it. This is not only a great chance to show that what makes them unique, to show that they are a superior writer than they thought themselves to be.

    Back in my day, most of my friends would only go to contests based on their interests, like poetry, debate, history, etc., and they won awards for that. There were no contests like today you have. Make use of it.
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